Monday, May 9, 2016

Blog Challenge: Day 16

If you had one superpower to use in the classroom, what would it be and how would it help?

I would, without a doubt, want the ability to read student's minds. There is so much going on in their little teenage brains and some of them aren't great at communicating yet and don't know how to effectively let an adult know. Wouldn't it be amazing to read a kid's mind and know why they are grumpy?

For my "trouble" kids -- and I use this word lightly, because I don't think they have bad intentions! -- it would be so helpful to know what their true motivation is. Is it something at home? Are they trying to hide a secret? Some kids don't open up easily, and it would be so great to have this information to try and help them cope with whatever life is dealing them.

For my shy kids, I would love to know what's going on their heads that they aren't brave enough to say. I have some pretty energetic classes, and I know my shy kids feel like they get lost in the bustle of class sometimes. Being able to read their mind can help me to support them so they know that I do care for them, even if they aren't the ones getting my constant attention.

If superpowers were real, it would be career-changing to be able to read minds. Do they know the material? Read minds. Are they actually engaged? Read minds. Are they having a bad day? Read minds.


What superpower would you choose?

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